Course Orientation


This course is a paid opportunity for faculty to develop a course plan. We estimate the course will require 10 hours to complete. If you run into any issues or have questions, reach out to your instructional designer. Our top priority is to facilitate you through the planning phase of your next course and assist where we can to give you a stress free experience. Your instructional designer will record your hours for you once you've completed the first activity and the online course plan initial activity. You do not need to do anything on your timesheet or sign anything to receive the hours.

For every course you develop or revamp, part of that is going through the Course Planning process.

Developing a full course is a much longer process than what this course is set up to do. Other opportunities for development funding may be available through your division. Contact your dean directly if you are planning to teach an online course and want to find out if there are paid development opportunities available.