The motherboard is a rigid, slotted board upon which other boards that contain the basiccircuitry of a computer or of a computer component can be mounted (
The motherboard is basically the communication device. It holds all the other parts of your PC together. It allows the parts to communicate to each other and work properly. For your motherboard, you don't need anything too expensive even if you are going for high end gaming. A good motherboard for gaming can range anywhere from $80-$300. An $80 one should work just fine for gaming. If you plan to use your motherboard for light gaming and schoolwork, one from $30-$50 should be fine.
Keep in mind that some motherboard are only compatible with certain parts. That is why when building your PC you should visit pcpartpicker to make sure all your parts are compatible with each other. A resource on how to use this website is shown in the course.