
Get to know Moodle a little better by building content. This is a more advanced workshop where we will show you how to make four different and more advanced content types. You can expect to get to know the Page Resource, Moodle Forums, Kaltura Media Assignment, and the Lesson. Participants then get a chance to build one yourself with your hosts standing by to help with any questions you face along the way!

  • Presenters: 
  • Style: Demonstration w/Practice
  • Location: ATC 219
  • Virtual Attendance: Join Via Zoom

Presentation Slides

  • Course Building
  • Worksheet (View Only | Make a Copy)

Join the Conversation

Group Session 2 Discussion

Add your questions to this discussion to learn more about the topic after the presentation. Questions asked before the presentation will be reviewed and touched on the Q and A portion before the end of the session along with any questions asked live. If we can't get to all questions live during the Q and A portion we will reply to questions in the discussion forum.

Additional Resources

  • Moodle Page Resource
  • Moodle Forums
  • Kaltura Video Assignments
  • Moodle Lessons


Last modified: Thursday, September 7, 2023, 3:11 PM