
Moodle has many strong tools that you may not know about. With just a little practice and time to put these together you can have Moodle run itself. Areas we will present are course announcements, setting up overrides, due date updating, and grade monitoring to name a few. Stop by this session to learn how Moodle can help you by just putting a little TLC into your course!

  • Presenters: 
  • Style: Presentation
  • Location: CTL 303
  • Virtual Attendance: Join Via Zoom

Presentation Slides

  • Let Moodle do the Work

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7B Discussion

Add your questions to this discussion to learn more about the topic after the presentation. Questions asked before the presentation will be reviewed and touched on the Q and A portion before the end of the session along with any questions asked live. If we can't get to all questions live during the Q and A portion we will reply to questions in the discussion forum.

Additional Resources

  • Moodle Automation Info Sheet (View Only | Make a Copy)


Last modified: Thursday, September 7, 2023, 2:48 PM