
PDFs are not always the way to go for accessibility but sometimes you just have to. In this advanced workshop we take a dive into a demonstration on fixing a PDF for accessibility by applying basic principles of document accessibility. While it may seem intimidating it is possible with a little practice!

  • Presenters: 
  • Style: Demonstration
  • Location: CTL 303
  • Virtual Attendance: Join Via Zoom

Presentation Slides

  • PDF Accessibility Presentation (shareable)
  • PDF Accessibility Worksheet (View Only | Make a Copy)
  • Scanned Syllabus for Practice (View Only Practice | Make a Copy Practice)

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8B Discussion

Add your questions to this discussion to learn more about the topic after the presentation. Questions asked before the presentation will be reviewed and touched on the Q and A portion before the end of the session along with any questions asked live. If we can't get to all questions live during the Q and A portion we will reply to questions in the discussion forum.

Additional Resources

  • Creating Accessible PDFs
  • Lane Site Accessible PDFs
  • Accessibility Checklist


Last modified: Thursday, September 7, 2023, 2:46 PM