Log in to LaneOnline
Your session has timed out. Please log in again.
Is this your first time here?
To log in to Moodle, enter your Lane L-Number (an L plus eight digits, such as L00123456) or institutional email address (@lanecc.edu, @my.lanecc.edu) and your Single Sign-on (SSO) Password — the same password used to register for classes in MyLane/ExpressLane (LaneCC's Student Information System).
If you are able to log in to ExpressLane but unable to log in to Moodle using the same credentials, please contact the Student Help Desk (SHeD) or the Academic Technology Center for assistance.
Not seeing your course(s) in your Moodle dashboard?
- Students: Your instructor may not be using Moodle for their course or may not have made the course visible yet.
- Instructors: Courses are displayed in your "My Courses" area and must be manually unhidden at the beginning of each term in order for students to access them. If you don't see a course listed, you may not be officially assigned and/or it may not be created.