Course: Course Plan (ID Services AY21/22) | LaneOnline

  • Welcome to Course Planning!

    • Let's Get Started!

      planning is a paper and pencil level activity.

      Welcome to Course Planning

      In this course we will look at the importance of generating a high-level organized course plan (CP) of your future course.  This developed plan will help outline your new course and/or outline improvements to be made to an existing plan on a future redevelopment of a course previously taught.

      The plan you develop for your course is not a detailed exercise.  It is designed as a "paper and pencil" activity without requesting much detail.  The goal is to have a new course (or course improvements) outlined that you and an instructional designer could use in Course Development Studio (CDS) to BUILD the course in Moodle.    

      To begin review the course information below, then when you are ready move to the first module.

    • General Course Information

    • Course Communication
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  • 1
    open suny course quality reviewSo you’re planning your online/hybrid/[insert_modality] course! 
    What do you need to know before you begin to plan your course? In this unit, we will focus on an introduction to best practices as defined through Open SUNY Course Quality Review (OSCQR).

    • Support Materials

    • "To help campuses ensure that their online courses are learner-centered and well designed, a team of  SUNY staff and campus stakeholders has designed the OSCQR rubric, a customizable and flexible tool for online course quality review.

      The OSCQR rubric specifically targets online course design. The OSCQR rubric is unique and differs from other online course quality rubrics in several ways. It is not restricted to mature online courses. The rubric can be used formatively with new online faculty to help guide, inform, and influence the design of their new online courses, and, it is non-evaluative.

      Conceptually, the rubric and the online course review and refresh process are implemented as a professional development exercise designed to guide online faculty to use research-based effective practices and standards to improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of their online course design, rather than as an online course evaluation, or quality assurance procedure." , May 2021

  • 2
    • course plan on Getting started module in Course design introductionIn this module, you'll create an NEW plan or an improved plan (working from a previously developed course plan) for how your course will help learners successfully reach the Course Learning Outcomes. This will include considering how course learning outcomes can be chunked into module-sized pieces, thinking about the module objectives imagine how you might want to measure learning (assessment tools, formative vs summative), existing materials and activities you can use as you move forward, and listing out the support resources you'll be able to take advantage of along the way. We'll review best practices for course planning and backward design principles.

      Deliverable: Course Plan: demonstrate best practices through the outline of a course plan.

      Click the link below to see a course plan, a work in progress, using the CDI course as an example.

      Course Plan Example

    • Overview

    • Ten questions to help you ponder what elements or artifacts you wish to improve upon in your course redesign.

    • Support Materials

    • The OSCQR Self-Assessment is designed as a reference to help you think through critical components of your course. 

      A course is never complete and improvements will always be available for us to make.  Do not try to meet all 50 OSCQR standards at once, instead use this self-assessment to focus on a specific area you find is most critical for your course right now.

    • Activities

    • This course plan guide will help you work through developing your course plan for your new course, or a course you are going to refresh in some way. Use this in conjunction with working with your instructional designer.
  • 3

    Next Steps - Grace Presbyterian Church

    You did it! You completed or improved your Course Plan, and now you have a plan to develop your course. It's good to remember that no course is ever perfect (Yes it's true!), and so anything we've built today is just a stepping stone toward a better course tomorrow.