Course Structure

This course is an asynchronous, open-enrollment course broken into 3 Modules -- meaning you can start any time and complete activities completely on your own schedule. To model good course design, each module will follow a consistent layout and be broken into three sections: Overview, Learning Materials/Resources, and Activities.


Each module includes an overview page that should be read before reviewing the resources and completing the assigned activities. The overview will include an introduction to the module's topics, a list of the module's learning outcomes, and a list of learning materials and activities.

Learning Materials/Resources

Learning materials will be listed as individual resources or consolidated into a single page for each module. Materials may include links to online articles, text listing offline reading assignments, PDFs, slideshows, videos, interactive presentations, or additional file types.

Note: if you have any problems accessing course materials, please contact the instructor ASAP.


The activities in this course (Course Planning) guide you through developing your course plan. The next course in this series (Course Design Studio) helps you build the course itself, using well-researched standards. Every activity you complete here will help you compose a course plan. You can share the plan with your dean to help facilitate a conversation on converting your course to a fully online or hybrid modality.

In this course, you will complete short, embedded self-check quizzes, engage in asynchronous discussions, work through interactive lessons, and submit reflections that build your final Course Plan document.

Instructional Design Tip

The format and structure of this course were adapted from the Instructional Design Course Template in Moodle.  You may visit this template course and request that its format is imported into any of your courses. Email your request to: Let us know the course CRN that you would like it imported to.