Course Orientation
Completion requirements
This is a self-paced course that you will navigate through primarily on your own and in some instances with your assigned instructional designer.
Because this is an open-enrollment, flexibly scheduled course, we may have fellow faculty joining us throughout the summer, so you may experience either a crowd or a quiet room. Here are the expectations for course interaction:
- Email the instructional designer you are working with directly with questions.
- Participate in the Introduction Forum and any following forums by sharing your work and commenting on that of others.
- Each module will hold one forum where you will interact and share your course plans with your peers in GROUPS. You will keep the same group members through the entire course to help foster deeper relationships, however, please contact me at any time if you feel you could benefit from different perspectives on your work.
- Complete the self-check activities embedded in the readings and presentations and use the results to improve your understanding.
- The News and Announcements Forum would usually be used to contact everyone in the course; however, because of the open-enrollment nature of our course, frequent use of the announcements forum will not occur.
You can expect:
- A response to email communication or Q&A forum posts within 1 business day.
- Prompt feedback on any submitted assignments, including specific notes about anything that needs revision.
- Quick and useful referral if your question is beyond something I know!