⚠️ Moodle Outage June 27th, 2024: Courses Inaccessible to Students

⚠️ Moodle Outage June 27th, 2024: Courses Inaccessible to Students

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0

At approximately 12:30 pm today, summer 2024 term courses were hidden from students in Moodle due to an unforeseen error in our automation scripts that process course information from Banner. The issue has been partially resolved, and summer 2024 courses are once again available to students as long as the course is set to “visible”. No student data or course progress has been affected and no other terms were affected.

I am actively working on a way to determine which courses were visible before the error occurred and update courses appropriately. However, you can immediately help speed up this process by logging into Moodle and checking the status of your courses. If they are not visible, you can manually change them so your students can see them again

Please review any test or assignment due dates to address any impacts on deadlines or submissions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to the ATC@lanecc.edu.

LMS Admin

FYI: The following message is in the process of being sent to students

Dear Students,

It has come to our attention that around 12:30 pm today (06/27/2024), all Summer 2024 students lost access to their summer courses in Moodle. Due to an unforeseen error in our automation scripts, courses became hidden from view. We are advising instructors to check the visibility setting of their courses, and students will regain access immediately after they do so.

No student data or course progress has been lost, but please alert your instructor if you believe you were unable to complete a test or assignment while the course was unavailable to you.

Your instructors have been informed of this issue. If you experience any further problems, please contact the Student Help Desk (SHeD) at SHeD@lanecc.edu.

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