Moodle Spring 14 Courses and URLs

Moodle Spring 14 Courses and URLs

by Deleted user -
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Spring 14 Courses 
Your Spring 14 courses are now available.  Please make sure to follow the recommended start of term procedures when setting up your courses.  Student enrollments for Spring 14 will be enabled on March 17th.

URLs for all webpages are finalized. 
ny visitors to an old Lane URL will receive a click-through message asking them to update their link. On June 1, 2014, the www2 server will be turned off, and visitors to old URLs will receive a "Server Not Found" message. Lane URLs that begin with www2 or end in .htm or .html (with the exception of links to the Library) need to be updated. Please review links in your print materials, emails, and on the web to make sure they are correct. Check every form, publication, document, instructional material, brochure, myLane message, Moodle page or message, email, message in the Weekly, email signature, etc., that contains a Lane URL and make sure the printed URL matches the actual URL. Questions - contact Lori Brenden, or (541) 463-3354.