Moodle - Forum Notifications

Moodle - Forum Notifications

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0


Each test I have completed has produced a notification when posting to a courses News Forum.  The fix from MoodleRooms has not yet been fully applied to our production environment so we are hesitent to say that Forum notifications being sent via email to subscribed users is 100% corrected.

If you use subsciption options in your forums please confirm with students that they are recieving the email notifications when sending important course information.

Alternatives to using Forum posts to communicate with students via email:

1. Use the Quickmail block

2. Use Moodle Messages - select all from your participants list and send message.

3. Use the Mass Email option within your MyLane Roster.

4.  Enable "Read Tracking" set to optional.  Then inform your students to update their Moodle Profiles to enable Read Tracking as well.  This will highlight any posts a student has not ready in any forum you set this way.

If you need any help with any of the above please contact the ATC (

Also please note the post from December 19th regarding Moodle Updates:

Please review all Moodle Update information and contact the ATC with any questions or concerns.