Moodle: Offline Archiving of 2016 classes + new help menu

Moodle: Offline Archiving of 2016 classes + new help menu

by Josh Manders -
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LCC Instructors,

Three quick Moodle news updates:

Archiving remaining 2016 classes is now in progress

We typically keep one academic years worth of active courses that can be accessed immediately on our Moodle site. After one academic year, the previous years courses are backed up, archived offline, and then removed from the site. This process is in place to preserve Moodle server space. If you need a course that is not available to you on, it can easily be restored upon request. Please send a request to the ATC ( and include the CRN and term of the course you need.

Addition of new help menu

You may notice a new help menu located at the top of the page (directly next to language settings). The links are identical to the current "STUDENT SUPPORT" block which has traditionally appeared on the right hand side of all pages within a course. The new location streamlines user navigation, is always visible, and solves user display issues where screen real estate is at a premium (grade book & grading!!). We hope to discontinue adding the support block to all courses as soon as summer term but the ATC can assist replicating the Student Support block for individual courses if requested.

New login screen to be rolled out Summer Term

We are working on improvements to the user login screen. The new login screen uses an authentication system know as a Central Authentication Service (CAS) which allows users to login to multiple systems (Sometimes referred to as Single-Sign-On or SSO) without having to re-enter login information. The new login box will visually appear slightly different but requires no change in usernames or passwords.

Josh Manders

LMS Admin - Academic Technology
(541) 463-3377