Moodle: Summer 18 Courses - Now Available to Instructors

Moodle: Summer 18 Courses - Now Available to Instructors

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0

Hello Instructors,

With the arrival of the warm sunny weather, your summer 18 courses are now available to you.  Student enrollments will be added the week of June 18th (one week prior to the start of the summer term).  Please make sure to make your course(s) available when you are ready for students to access them. You will either need to click on the "Hidden Courses" link or search for your class using the CRN# to locate your hidden Summer courses.

Meta Courses:
If you would like a Meta course or have questions on this process, now would be a great time to contact the ATC before summer term begins. If you teach multiple courses of the same section, a Meta course allows you to better streamline your work and reduce the need to duplicate resources, activities, etc. into multiple shells.

Relocation of Help Menu:
You may notice a new help menu called "? GET HELP" which is located at the top of your Moodle pages (directly next to language settings). The links provide students and instructors with help desk support, technology assistance, Moodle how-to's, tutoring, and library services. The new help menu is always visible and solves display issues where screen real estate is at a premium (grade book & grading!!). Beginning summer term, the old support block will be removed but the ATC can quickly create the old student support block for individual courses if requested.

New Login Screen:
Beginning Summer Term, you may see a new login screen after clicking the "login" button on the moodle landing page. The new login screen uses a Central Authentication Service (CAS) which allows users to login to multiple systems (Sometimes referred to as Single-Sign-On or SSO) without having to re-enter login information. The new login box will visually appear different but requires no change in usernames or passwords. If you are using the Moodle iPhone or Android app that saves your login and password, you will be required to re-login before you can access the site.

Quick Help for the Beginning of the Term:

Importing a course from a previous term
Restoring a course from a downloaded backup
How to set your course to “show” (available) so students can access it

If you need help with course design, settings, course migration, Meta courses, etc., please contact us in the ATC (


Josh Manders
LMS Admin - Academic Technology
(541) 463-3377