Moodle: Unexpected Service Interruptions

Moodle: Unexpected Service Interruptions

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


At approximately 6pm last night (Sunday, June 24th), our instance of Moodle was unexpectedly included as part of our service providers data migration plan. This migration caused Moodle to be inaccessible till around 1am. Immediately following, the migration triggered a site-wide user authentication error which furthered the interruption till an emergency update to our new campus firewall could be deployed.

As of 11am today (Monday, June 25th), service and user authentication to Moodle has been restored.

On behalf of the LMS Admin team, I'd like to apologize for the disruption this has caused, especially since we're at the beginning of a new term. We try and send out service interruptions with plenty of notice and it is unfortunate that this interruption was not within our control. I'm actively pursuing answers from our service provider as to how this migration was allowed to move forward without my knowledge.

We do have a Upgrade Scheduled for Thursday, July 12th that will still be proceeding as planned.
Please expect LCC Moodle to be unavailable between 12:30am-2:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Thursday, July 12th. A follow up email will be sent detailing the new features and improvements that have been made.

Once again, my apologies for the interruption and best of luck for those of you starting the summer term.

Josh Manders, LMS Admin