Despite the Turbulence, Winter Term 2021 is taking off 🛫

Despite the Turbulence, Winter Term 2021 is taking off 🛫

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


It was a bit of a struggle but ya'll made it to week 2 of the Winter term! Typically you wouldn't hear from me again till our spring term course rollout but I believe there's a few important messages I'll highlight in bullet form.

➡️  Poll Results: 80% of those that responded support switching over to a Monday-to-Sunday work week instead of the current Sunday-to-Saturday Moodle layout default. This change will go into effect beginning Spring Term 2021. For those that prefer to keep weeks laid out 'as is', you'll be required to modify the start date of your course to begin on a Sunday each term.

➡️  Moodle Bugs Due to v.3.11 Update: Three distinct display issues have unexpectedly appeared as part of our recent software update (thanks to Erika M., Jennifer L., and others for messaging the ATC). All issues have been acknowledged as official bugs and I am optimistic we'll see them addressed in our hosts next maintenance update (typically late February)

    • If Activity Completion is turned on (on by default), activities typically have a "mark as done" button appearing below it. However, the button is mistakenly displayed above the title for labels for students (viewable for instructors when editing is turned off). Bug tracker details.
    • Summary displayed to instructors on activities (forums, quizzes, assignments) is not linking to the quick grader page and displays a "Parameter missing" error. As a temporary workaround, you'll need to access the grade button and assignment submissions directly from within the assignment itself. Bug tracker details.
    • Almost all activities provide the option to include activity description text on your main course page. The Questionnaire type activity no longer displays the description despite the "Display description on course page" checkbox being checked. The description IS correctly displayed when looking at the activity details page. Temporary workaround: create a label below the questionnaire and copy/paste the activity description.

➡️  Fall 2021 Courses Hidden from Students & Archiving In ProcessBy default, students are unable to access courses from previous terms. If you have students who require access (i.e. coursework to address incomplete grade for class), see our help article on extending course access for students. Moodle courses that you have taught in the past 5 terms remain in your list of courses under "Hidden Courses" at the bottom of your Moodle dashboard or at the top organized by year. Courses older than 5 terms are removed from the dashboard but saved as a Moodle backup file in our OFFLINE archives. We retain archive copies for a minimum of 5 years.

🗒️  New Knowledgebase Launching in Winter 2022

The ATC will be moving to a new knolwledgebase management platform during the winter 2022 term. Help articles will still be located via the same help address ( However, if you've specifically deep linked to a specific article, you may need to repair the broken link once the new platform has officially launched. Further details will be provided as soon as an official launch date is announced.

📅  Academic Technology Center (ATC) Support Hours

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm - Voicemail: 541-463-3377 | Email:

Virtual Drop in Hours, Join Live Online Help (via Zoom) - 5 days a week!
ATC Virtual Support 10am-2pm
Or join Virtual Support by Phone: Dial: +1 346 248 7799 | Enter Meeting ID: 934 628 325

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