Moodle Performance on Campus (Main and DTC)

Moodle Performance on Campus (Main and DTC)

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0

Hello Faculty,

We have found that Moodle has been performing inadequately for users while on campus.  A user, on campus, will use Moodle as they always have - however, chances are they will experience slower loading speeds and possible "website unavailable" errors.

We believe the reason to be while on campus all users are seen on Moodles server as one IP address.  There is a security setting on this server that limits the number of requests per second from the same IP.  This is a good security setting and a needed one, however due to the heavy usage of Moodle on campus we will need to adjust this.

We are in process right now of making some adjustments and we hope that this solution will greatly improve Moodles usability for those users on campus.

While using Moodle off campus - you are not affected.  You should see fast page loads and no errors when loading pages or saving material.  

If you are using Moodle and receive and error for "website not available" simply reload the page and you should be able to proceed.  If reloading the page does not work please contact the ATC for further help.

We greatly apologize for the inconvenience.  Please know this is a priority for us and will work diligently to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
