Fall 13 Courses Available

Fall 13 Courses Available

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Instructors your Fall 13 courses are now available.  Below you will find information that will help you in transitioning to Fall.

Important Dates

  • September 9th - Student Enrollments for Fall 13 will begin to sync into Moodle.

  • September 30th - Fall Term begins.

  • November 18th - Winter 14 Courses Available for instructors.

Follow the "Start of Term Procedures"

  • Access your new course(s)
  • Import or Restore a previous courses content.
  • Update any dates in the course (i.e. Assignment Due Dates).
  • Update any other time sensitive material.
  • Verify any files open as desired.
  • Verify any images in your course appear and are functional, including images used in quiz questions.
  • Verify any links in your course are still working.
  • Make Course available for students.

Course Content Migration:

Directions on Importing a course: http://clickables.moodlerooms.com/s/steps/m/joule2/l/82563-how-to-import-course-data-in-moodle-2

Restoring from course from an archived course:

Archived courses can be found here: https://classesarchive.lanecc.edu

Directions for backing up a Moodle 1 course (09-12 Archives):


Directions for backing up a Moodle 2 course (2013 Archives):


Directions for restoring into a Moodle 2 course:


Meta Courses:

If you teach more than 1 of the same course you may want to request a meta course.  A meta course can combine the two (or more) courses into one single course.  This will make less work for you by only needing to update one course.  To learn more about how a meta course works and how to request one please visit this site.

What is new this term?

You can view summaries on all of our summer updates here: https://classes.lanecc.edu/course/view.php?id=8323&section=7 

If you would like additional information or training on any new (or older) features please let us know!  We provide drop-in training in the ATC, but can also schedule trainings as groups, departments, and/or on an individual basis.


If you have any questions or need help in any of these processes please contact the ATC.
