Moodle Course Archives

Moodle Course Archives

by Deleted user -
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All of your 2013/2014 Academic Year Moodle courses can be found through within our Moodle Course Archive site.

Visit to find Moodle course archives.  You will need to complete a full backup and restore to migrate content over to a development shell and/or current term.

**We recommend requesting a development shell for any course(s) you would like to preserve on our live production site (  This will allow you to continuously work on a course without student enrollments - and you will be able to use the simple import option when migrating course content.

To request a development shell simply email the ATC with the course name.

We are required to archive each previous academic years courses over the following summer in order to free up server space for the upcoming academic year.

If you have any questions please contact us.