Moodle Fall 14 Courses now available

Moodle Fall 14 Courses now available

by Deleted user -
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Your Fall 2014 courses are now available!  Review the recommended start of term procedures by following this link

Quality Matters Course Template Available:

If you are new to Moodle or would like to rebuild your course from the Quality Matters template please contact the ATC and request the QM template be imported into your course for you to follow.  You may review the QM course template by accessing the course as a guest:

Read more about Quality Matters: 


Moodle was updated in early July.  Visit to learn about new features and what has changed in Moodle.

The Moodle 12/13 Course Archives ( will be removed effective September 1st.  Please make sure you backup any courses you would like to retain for future use.

The Moodle 13/14 Course Archives will be made available soon.  When the 13/14 Course Archives are available these courses will be removed from our production site (  Once the 13/14 Courses are removed you will need to complete a full backup and restore to migrate your archived courses over for your Fall courses.  We will notify you when the 13/14 Course Archives are available.

Training and Support:

Visit our Online Moodle Training (Introduction to Moodle, Course Building, Course Facilitation, Online Course Design):

Let us know if you would also like to schedule training for you or your department.  We offer trainings via online webinars and in person.

Please contact the ATC ( for all initial Moodle support request.

We hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer!
