Feb 5th - MoodleRooms 2.7 Maintenance Pack 1 Release

Feb 5th - MoodleRooms 2.7 Maintenance Pack 1 Release

by Deleted user -
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This is a notification that the Moodlerooms 2.7 Maintenance Pack 1 will be applied to production sites from 3am-5am PST on Thursday, February 5th.

During the upgrade, users will see a web page that states the site is currently being upgraded. We strive to minimize any required downtime, and the notice will only be displayed while the site is actively upgrading and not for the entirety of the 2-hour maintenance window.  Users will be able to continue normal usage of the site immediately after the upgrade completes.

Release Notes

Updated release notes for the Moodlerooms 2.7 Maintenance Pack 1 can be found here: http://kb.moodlerooms.com/node/665

More information

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to the ATC.