Moodle Time Change Error: MoodleRooms Response

Moodle Time Change Error: MoodleRooms Response

by Deleted user -
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Last week I sent a request to MoodleRooms to verify our servers settings were correct and prepared for the proper adjustment for daylight savings time to end. They assured me their main server as well as our servers had proper settings enabled to make this change at the correct time (2AM PST). Unfortunately, they were incorrect in their verification and did not have a correct setting enabled on some of their servers in our Virginia Datacenter (where our Moodle is hosted).

Please see MoodleRooms official release on this error below.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about the problem now. However, if you need any assistance in adjusting your courses (due dates, close dates, etc.) as a result of this problem please contact the ATC at your convenience.


MoodleRooms Response:

Dear Customer,

Moodlerooms would like to provide you with a final update on the most recent service outage.

Date: March 7, 2015 from 11 PM PST – 12 PM PST
Issue: Quizzes and assignments may have been unavailable to a select subset of Moodlerooms production sites..

Root Cause: Moodlerooms has concluded that the service interruption to the select subset of production sites was caused by a faulty configuration of the timezone on several servers in the VA2 datacenter which caused it to inadvertently “spring forward” during DST changes.

Issue Remediation: Moodlerooms has a plan to rectify the affected servers and ensure consistency with the rest of the infrastructure.

We will continue to communicate and work with MoodleRooms to make sure this problem does not happen again in the future.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and your students.
