End of Spring - Start of Summer (Moodle Courses)

End of Spring - Start of Summer (Moodle Courses)

by Academic Technology ATC -
Number of replies: 0

Hello instructors,

We recommend you retain a copy of your course for future use.  You will want to create a backup of the course and store it on Filehost or another external source. If you would like to create a backup of your course, please follow the instructions in this support.lanecc.edu article: https://support.lanecc.edu/ATC/Knowledgebase/Article/View/784/0/how-to-backup-a-course.

Please be aware that the 2013/2014 archives (Summer 13 - Spring 14) will be removed in September and the 2014/2015 (Summer 14 - Spring 15) courses will be archived in July and will be available at https://classesarchive.lanecc.edu.  The 14/15 Course Archives will also be available for 1 full year.  

Please make, or request from us, a backup of any currently archived courses you might want to use in the future. Instructions for accessing the Moodle Course Archives can be found in this support.lanecc.edu article: https://support.lanecc.edu/ATC/Knowledgebase/Article/View/634/0/accessing-the-archives.
(NOTE: If you would like to have a course removed from the archives, please send us a request)

If you would like to export your gradebook for use outside of Moodle, please refer to the instructions found here: https://support.lanecc.edu/ATC/Knowledgebase/Article/View/819/0/exporting-a-gradebook. Likewise, if you would like the ATC to export your gradebook for you, please contact us.

It is important to verify that your gradebook is set up correctly before submitting final grades.  If you would like the ATC to verify your gradebook settings are correct please contact us.

If you need to extend any enrollments in your Spring 15 course (up to and including the entire class list) for any reason, please contact the ATC with the course CRN and the L#s of the student(s).  Spring student enrollments will be removed the week of June 29th.

Also note in order to help promote student success through the Academic Testing Center we have added the Academic Testing Coordinator, Toni Timmers, to all of your Summer 15 courses.  If you would like this user removed from your course please send a request to us through email.

For help with any of the above topics please feel free to contact the ATC or visit us during our drop-in hours (8 - 5pm, Monday - Friday, Bldg 02 Rm 122).

Have a great summer!

Academic Technology Center (ATC)
