Natural Aggregation - Exclude empty setting working in SOME gradebooks

Natural Aggregation - Exclude empty setting working in SOME gradebooks

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0


We posted an original notice about this Moodle gradebook bug on 10/14 -

Since then we had a report that this bug was corrected in the Moodle gradebook.  We have recently found that some courses have correct user reports and some do not.

Again, the issue we see is the instructors user report is correct and following the setting to exclude empty grades while the students user report is not correct.  The students report is not excluding empty grades.

This impacts course totals and categories using the Natural aggregation method with the setting to exclude empty grades enabled.

This notification is just to update you that this is still a problem in some gradebooks and that I am working with MoodleRooms to correct this bug in any remaining courses.

I apologize for any inconvenience, but know the instructors report is correct.  Please update your students if they have any questions.
