Moodle Upgrade Complete - New Homepage Interface

Moodle Upgrade Complete - New Homepage Interface

by Deleted user -
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Our Moodle update to Moodle 3.0 is now complete.  Please see previous notifications about the upgrade for details: and

Moodle My CoursesPlease note the Moodle homepage is the largest change.  Once users login they will now land on a page that organizes their courses in a much more user friendly format.  If you click the star in the top right corner of a courses icon it will "favorite" that course for you and always display it on the top of your lists.

Users will now see deadlines, items to grade (instructors only), Alerts, Messages, and recent forum posts from this initial landing page.

We are moving to this format because the previous theme (Express) was less accessible and not mobile friendly.  Analytics on our site show 10-30% of all users connecting via mobile devices.  

We work hard to keep Moodle updated in a way that best serves our students and faculty.  Though it is a different experience on the Moodle homepage we hope you enjoy it and see its benefits.

If you have any questions or would like help learning the new homepage interface please let me know.  Our student interns in the ATC are also here to help.
