What do you need in an LMS (Learning Management System/ aka Moodle)?

What do you need in an LMS (Learning Management System/ aka Moodle)?

by Deleted user -
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Welcome to Fall term!

I would like to alert everyone to a session I am hosting this afternoon at 1pm in the ATC classroom (Center Building – Level 2 - Room 219) – What do you need in an LMS (Learning Management System - aka Moodle)?

This discussion will kick off our research in finding new systems as well as evaluation our current system (Moodle) in meeting the needs of our Faculty, Students, and Staff.  There are many LMS options out there and we would like to find what our users value most.

I want to be clear – we are not currently planning on switching LMS’.  We are simply reviewing our current LMS to make sure it is meeting the needs of our users.

We will be holding additional discussions and focus groups throughout the year that will focus on our user needs in an LMS, other LMS options, and current LMS possibilities.  More information on these groups and discussions to be published soon.

If an LMS review is needed, a faculty led committee will be formed that will coordinate and complete the tasks required to review all LMS possibilities that meet our needs. 

Today’s session is an open discussion about what you value in our current LMS and what would you like to see our LMS do that it currently is not capable of doing.

I have created two activities within the Moodle Support for Faculty course.  The first is a choice activity asking you to choose the activities and resources you must have in an LMS.  The second activity is a forum where you can add additional comments about what criteria we should use when comparing our current and other LMS solutions. 

I hope you join me this afternoon at 1pm in the Center Building – floor 2 – room 219.  However, if you cannot make it I would still like to encourage that you complete these two activities in the Moodle Faculty Support course. 

Of course, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Good luck on the start of your Fall term!  Don’t forget all of us in the ATC are here to help make your life a little easier!  Contact us for help on getting your Moodle courses ready for start of the term! 
