Moodle Upgrade and Winter Courses

Moodle Upgrade and Winter Courses

by Deleted user -
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Welcome to Winter term 2017!  

This is just a quick email to let you know that the Moodle upgrade completed successfully on December 29th.  To date we have not found any new bugs or issues in Moodle as a result of the upgrade.  If you find anything that seems off in your courses please report them directly to me ASAP -

To see a report on the update features please see our previous upgrade notification posted on December 2, 2016.

We have found a minor design flaw in the Winter 17 template.  If you are attempting to import an old course into your W17 course and have information in your weekly topic headings you will need to complete one of the two solutions

  1. A full backup and restore to overwrite the weekly headings in your W17 course.  
  2. Convert the topic headings from your old course into labels.  This will allow for future imports of this content without any problems.  

If you need help with either of these work arounds please contact us in the ATC and one of our student interns can complete these tasks for you.

Good luck on the start of Winter term!
