Moodle: Winter courses available to instructors

Moodle: Winter courses available to instructors

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Hello Instructors,

Your Winter 2018 courses are now available. We will be adding student enrollments the week of December 11th. Please make sure to make your course available when you are ready for students to access after December 11th. If you would like your student enrollments to be added to your course(s) before this time please email a request to

Boost Theme and Section 508 Updates:

Each winter course theme is defaulted to Boost.  Boost is our most mobile friendly and 508 complaint theme.  We are currently updating this theme to meet updated 508 requirements.  Section 508 has been updated and the new requirements go into effect January 18th, 2018.

You are able to change your course theme to Express, Clean, SNAP or More, however we do not recommend making this change.  If you change your course theme away from Boost we cannot ensure it will meet the updated 508 requirements.

Course Design:

We have created a Quality Matters course template for anyone wanting to import all or part of this course into their shells. The QM template is designed following the Quality Matters rubric to help instructors with course design. We have received feedback from many students that they appreciate the simplicity and clear, consistent organization of this layout. Please send a request to the ATC if you would like the QM template imported into your course.

Meta Courses:

A Meta course allows you to combine multiple sections into one Moodle shell. If you teach multiple courses of the same section a Meta course allows you to better streamline your work and reduce the need to duplicate resources, activities, etc. into multiple courses. If you would like a Meta course or have questions on this process please contact the ATC.

Course Migration quick links:

If you need help with course design, settings, course migration, Meta course requests, etc., please contact us in the ATC (

Archived Courses:

We keep 1 academic year worth of active courses on our site. After 1 academic year (summer-spring) the previous years courses are backed up, archived offline, and then removed from the site. This process is in place to preserve Moodle server space. If you need a course that is not available to you on please send a request to me with the CRN and term of the course you need made available to you.

Please let us know if you need any help with setting up your Winter courses!

Kevin Steeves
Faculty, Instructional Designer
Academic Technology
Lane Community College