Moodle: Broken Images & Documents

Moodle: Broken Images & Documents

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


I hope that most of you are out enjoying holiday celebrations and back yard cookouts.

Regretfully, since early this morning we have been experiencing broken images, document links, and general odd behavior in several Moodle courses. Our Moodle host is aware of the emergency and is working as fast as they can to restore the broken data. Other sites that were effected in the data storage error have already been repaired. As such, I am optimistic that this issue will be fully corrected by the end of the day if not sooner.

While some courses appear unaffected, I would suggest individuals keep their activity in Moodle to a minimum while the repair is in progress.

I will broadcast an additional message when Iā€™m able to confirm the repair is completed.

Josh Manders, LMS Admin