Moodle v3.4.2 Upgrade Complete

Moodle v3.4.2 Upgrade Complete

by Skye Nguyen -
Number of replies: 0


Moodle was down for the Moodle v3.4.2 upgrade from 12-12:30pm Thursday, July 12th. From this completion we have gained some new feature and some features have been modified. The more commonly used features are listed and explained bellow with links to a more in depth instruction on how to use these. For a complete list of changes made in v3.4.2 you can read the Moodle Docs release notes.

A few new features have been added including override completion status allowing you to mark items complete for students when using completion tracking in your course, unified user management view combining the Enrolled Users page and Participant's page as a single page located in the two same locations, and finally a new calendar management interface.

With this version update the message block was removed from the block options. To access your messages use the small chat icon at the top right of the screen to the left of your name.

Any questions?  Contact us in the ATC or search our knowledge base for self-help "how to" documents.

LMS Admin Team