Moodle: Fall 18 Courses - Now available to instructors

Moodle: Fall 18 Courses - Now available to instructors

by Josh Manders -
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Hello Instructors,

Your Fall 18 courses are now available. You will either need to click on the "Hidden Courses" link or search for your class using the CRN# to locate your hidden Fall courses. Please make sure to make your course(s) available when you are ready for students to access them. Student enrollments will be added the week of Sept. 17th. 

Now Processing Meta Courses Requests
A Meta course allows you to combine multiple sections into one Moodle shell.  If you teach multiple courses of the same section a Meta course allows you to streamline your work and reduce the need to post duplicate resources, activities, etc. into multiple shells. If you would like a Meta course or have questions on this process please contact the ATC before fall term begins. 

Quickstart: An Initial Course Design Template
We have adopted a modified Instructional Design Services (IDS) Template based on the Quality Matters and Open SUNY Course Quality Review [OSCQR] rubrics help instructors with course organization and design. Feedback from many students indicates that they appreciate the simplicity and clear, consistent organization of this layout and is available to all LCC instructors. Please send a request to the ATC if you would like the IDS imported into your course.

Quick Help for the Beginning of the Term:

Importing a course from a previous term
Restoring a course from a downloaded backup
How to set your course to “show” (available) so students can access it

If you need assistance with course design, settings, course migration, Meta courses, etc., please contact the ATC ( or come visit us in the Center Building Room 208 – down the hall from the Library and Blenders Coffee Shop.

-Josh Manders
LMS Admin