Moodle: Fall 18 Courses - Now available to students

Moodle: Fall 18 Courses - Now available to students

by Josh Manders -
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Hi all - For those of you that had a summer break, welcome back!! Student Fall enrollments are now syncing within your Fall courses in Moodle.  By default, courses are not set to "show" to enrolled students and they will not have access to your course until you update the course visibility setting.

=> Here is a guide that will walk you through how to make your course visible to students.

Hint: If you don't see your Fall term course listed, be sure to check within the hidden section of your My Courses page. To help you close out a previous course or to open an upcoming course you can follow our recommended Moodle course Start of Term and End of Term procedures.

Moodle v3.4 Maintenance Scheduled for Thursday, September 20th:
Please expect LCC Moodle to be unavailable between 12:30am-2:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Thursday, September 20th. While this is mostly a routine update, there are a 3 features that have been renamed. Please make note:

  • The activity "Moodlerooms Forums" has been renamed and is now called "Open Forums". 
  • "Moodlerooms Grader" and "Moodlerooms Reports" have been renamed "Open Grader" and "Open Reports" respectively.

This is a name only update. No new features, enhancements, and or additional changes have been made in those areas.

Any last minute Meta Courses requests?
A Meta course allows you to combine multiple sections into one Moodle shell. If you teach multiple courses of the same section a Meta course allows you to better streamline your work and reduce the need to duplicate resources, activities, etc. into multiple courses. If you would like a Meta course or have questions on this process please email the ATC. 

Course Migration quick links: 

If you need help with course design, settings, course migration, Meta course requests, etc., please contact us in the ATC ( 

Archived Courses: 
We keep one academic years worth of active courses on our site. After one academic year (summer-spring) the previous years courses are backed up, archived offline, and then removed from the site. This process is in place to preserve server performance and file storage space. If you need a course that is not available to you on please send a request to atc with the CRN and term of the course you need made available to you. 

Moodle Training is always available!

We host a suite of Moodle Training courses (see below).  You can self-enroll into any of these courses and complete an entire course or sections of courses you feel you need.  We also offer drop-in or scheduled Moodle trainings for departments or groups on specific topics.  Please email directly to discuss any Moodle training needs you may have.

Moodle Training Courses:

Any questions?  Contact us in the ATC or search our knowledge base for self-help "how to" documents.

Josh Manders
LMS Admin