Moodle: ☀️ Summer 2019 Courses - Now Available to Instructors

Moodle: ☀️ Summer 2019 Courses - Now Available to Instructors

by Josh Manders -
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Hello Instructors,

It may be hard to believe but we are blasting past spring midterms and well on our way to Summer term. Your summer 2019 courses are now available for you to work on before that awesome vacation. 😉

Student enrollments will be added the week of June 17th (one week prior to the start of the summer term).  Please make sure to make your course(s) available when you are ready for students to access them. You will either need to click on the "Hidden Courses" link or search for your class using the CRN# to locate your hidden Summer courses.

Clean and More Themes expiring in July 1, 2019 *Final Notice*
A majority of instructors have already migrated over to using the "Boost" theme which continues to be the theme of choice for accessibility and mobile device reasons. For those instructors that have not migrated (there are a few sticklers), support for those themes will be automatically removed by our hosting provider before the summer term begins on July 1, 2019. Once removed, any courses using the expiring themes will automatically default to using the Boost theme.

Meta Courses: If you would like a Meta course or have questions on this process, contact the ATC.

Accessibility Pilot Program Continues
The ATC is continuing to pilot a plugin called "Ally" which automatically provides specific instructor feedback and guidance on how to improve the accessibility of content and files within Moodle courses. Ally Demo Videos:  Student Experience | Instructor Experience If you're interested in seeing what this plugin can do you can try it now in your course by following these instructions.

Quick Help for the Beginning of the Term:

Importing a course from a previous term
Restoring a course from a downloaded backup
How to set your course to “show” (available) so students can access it

If you need help with course design, settings, course migration, Meta courses, etc., please contact us in the ATC (


Josh Manders
LMS Admin - Academic Technology
(541) 463-3377