Moodle: Access Issues for CenturyLink Users + Messages Update

Moodle: Access Issues for CenturyLink Users + Messages Update

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


Internet Access Issues for CenturyLink Users 
The ATC has been receiving calls from both instructors and students who are unable to access Lane Community College's Moodle site ( from their CenturyLink based internet connection even though it appears they have access to other services (i.e. google). The issue was first reported around 10pm last night (10/21/19) and has persisted throughout today. LaneCC is not a customer of the service provider but we were able to obtain the following limited information:

CenturyLink Support Representative:
"Our DNS group is aware of some Amazon hosted sites are dropping on our resolvers. It is being worked on to clear that issue. I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. We are working on the situation and estimate your service to be restored soon or within 24-48 hours."

Our Moodle host uses servers that are maintained by Amazon hosting services. We recommend that customers of CenturyLink still experiencing access issues file an outage ticket so that the provider can follow up.

Sending Messages through Moodle Messaging *Update*
Our Moodle service provider dispatched an emergency software patch last night that has partially repaired the feature. However, the repair patch has had an unintended consequence: In order to message ANY participant, you must be on their accepted contacts list. By default, instructors and students within the same class are supposed to be able to message each other without being on any kind of approved list (unless set otherwise by an individual user). We are working with our host to remedy the situation and will post an additional follow up once the repair is verified.

For the time being, the optimal way to message students will be via an Announcement Forum or individual messages sent via the Quickmail Block.

-Josh Manders
LMS Admin