Moodle Quicktime Upgrade Issue

Moodle Quicktime Upgrade Issue

by Skye Nguyen -
Number of replies: 0


The quickmail block, commonly used to send bulk emails to students, is currently inoperable due to the Moodle v3.7 update we had on Dec. 27th, 2019. We are looking into this issue and how to resolve it. For now you can use the News and Announcements forum in your course as a work around to email your entire class if your course is unhidden. If it is still hidden we would suggest to use gmail along with your class list that you can get from myLane.

Another notification will be sent out once this is resolved. Thank you for your patience and if you have any questions or concerns you can call (541-463-3377) or email ( the ATC!

Skye Nguyen

-LMS Admin