🌷 Spring 2021: Student Enrollments +Updates

🌷 Spring 2021: Student Enrollments +Updates

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


As of this morning, spring 2021 student enrollments are now syncing with your Moodle courses. By default, courses are not set to automatically "show" to enrolled students and they will not have access to your course until you update the course visibility setting.

➡️  Here is a guide that will walk you through how to make your course visible to students.

Hint: To help you close out a previous course or to open an upcoming course you can follow our recommended Moodle course Start of Term and End of Term procedures.

⭐ ‼️ Reminder ‼️ Zoom Cloud Recordings Older Than 1 Year (i.e. Spring 2020) Are Automatically Marked For Deletion

Zoom cloud recordings expire 1 year after the recording date. Deletion is permanent and irreversible (no archive recovery). In order to save recordings for future use, you'll need to manually download and upload cloud recordings to a video or file hosting service. Our current recommendation is to upload your videos to Google Drive as doing so will allow you to share and access your recordings for longer periods of time. For step-by step-instructions, refer to the KB article "Uploading Zoom Cloud Recordings to Google Drive".

🔖 Tip #1: Sending Announcements to Students
There are a number of ways to message your entire class; below are three options listed in order of preference.

Moodle News Forum

Moodle QuickMail

myLane Course
Email Function

Works with all devices?

Where is it sent to?

Preferred email address AND posted in course

Preferred email address AND visible to instructor

Preferred email address

Ready to use?

Course must be visible and post made between course start/end dates.

QuickMail block needs to be added to course. If course is hidden, message will be sent but links may be broken.

A local mail client must be configured

Who can you email?

Groups or all participants

Individuals, Groups, or all participants

All participants

Main Advantage

Allows review of all announcements at anytime by all participants

Allows messages to be sent before the official course start date.

Allows messages to be sent before participants are viewable in Moodle.

Heads up: Potential Changes to Automatic Subscriptions and Forum Email Notifications

There has been a long standing assumption that by default, students should receive a copy of all posts when they reply or create a new post. As part of our continual LMS improvement efforts, we are collecting student input regarding the quantity and style of email communications they receive from Moodle. If the defaults are changed, students will continue to receive complete posts from News and Announcement forums but may receive digests or no email notifications at all for other forum types. Students will continue to have the choice to change their personal preferences for all forums as they do now. Any changes will go into effect beginning Summer 2021 and will be communicated no later than May 10th.

🔖  Tip #2: Course Running in "Weeks" Mode vs "Topics" Mode

The collapsed topics format preferences are located under edit > course settings > course format. One of the options is to automatically expand the current week's content. This is REALLY helpful for those of you who run an 11-week format as it helps students navigate to the content they should be working on. However, it's terribly confusing for those who use topics or have pre-week/post week content that is beyond the course start/end dates. Make sure the expansion behavior matches the course structure you're using (see image below). If you are using topics, you'll be given the ability to individually "Highlight" a section or topic (highlight option located under the edit menu for each topic)

Screenshot of Course Structure options

🌱  Spring Term Tutoring

Tutors and Early Outreach Specialists are available in the Lane Support Hub. All spring term students are enrolled in a free Moodle support space. Students can go there to drop into our Support Hub Zoom Room, find links and handouts, and contact tutors via email or chat.

📅  Spring 2021 Symposium To Share Instructor Resources, Support, and Best Practices
May 3 - May 14 (Schedule date/times TBD)

This spring, the Center for Teaching and Learning will host the first Spring Symposium where faculty and campus programs can share the work they are doing in teaching and learning, learn from each other, and reconnect. What has your colleagues been working on or learning about this year in relation to teaching and learning? Come find out!! Formats may include a facilitated discussion, workshop, short presentation, Q&A, recorded presentation, or virtual poster presentations. Additional information will be available soon and posted on the CTL's Spring 2021 webpage.

Academic Technology Center’s (ATC) Hours

The ATC is open and ready to answer questions regarding your course delivery as well as help with software issues or other questions that may arise about your course.

  • Zoom: ATC Virtual Support (live virtual help) | M-F 10a-2p
  • E-mail: atc@lanecc.edu | M-F 8a-5p + limited weekend support
  • Our help articles are available to you 24/7.

If you are no longer teaching at LaneCC and wish to be removed from this News & Announcements forum, email a removal request to moodleadmin@lanecc.edu