☀️ Summer 2022: Courses, Instructor Enrollments +Updates

☀️ Summer 2022: Courses, Instructor Enrollments +Updates

by Josh Manders -
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Summer 2022 courses are now available to you in Moodle.

Currently there are 70+ courses that are unassigned (assigned to "STAFF") along with sections yet to be built. If you don’t see your section listed, check the class schedule to ensure your department administrator has officially added you as the instructor of record.

➡️  To help you close out a previous course or to open an upcoming course you can follow our recommended Moodle course Start of Term and End of Term procedures.

Reminder: You will either need to click on the "Hidden Courses" link or search for your class using the CRN# to locate your hidden courses. Student enrollments will be added one week prior to the beginning of the term (Monday, June 13th, 2022).

LMS Admin

🎓 Change is in the Air - Moodle 4.0 is coming to Lane in 2023!

It’s been 7 years since the last major Moodle update and lots of great improvements are due to be rolled out in 2023. We're making preparations and learning everything we can about the changes. Users will be relieved that most core activities will function the same even if the user interface (the way things look and how you navigate) appears slightly different. 

For those that missed the spring symposium presentation, several resources for instructors are listed below.

Moodle Admin's are working closely with the Academic Technology Desk and Instructional Design teams to ensure the transition between Moodle versions will be as seamless as possible and that instructors and students are included in regular communications. We encourage you to pass along the news — especially to colleagues who are part-time who may not read this message.

😀 Love Moodle? 😡 Hate Moodle? We need your input!

The Academic Support and Innovation Group’s (ASIG) Learning Management System Review Committee is gathering data on the college’s experience with Moodle.  Please help us by taking 5-10 minutes to complete a short survey by May 20th, 2022.

This survey is intended to capture data to help us see how well it is working for you but also where we need to improve support. Your feedback is very important in gauging needs, whether exploration in other systems is warranted or if we need to incorporate more functionality in our current system.

Now Taking all Summer Term Metacourse Requests

Early requests are appreciated as it helps to avoid last minute technical issues. If you would like a Metacourse, use our meta course request form or contact the ATC (atc@lanecc.edu) for assistance.

For those new to Metacourses: a Metacourse allows you to combine enrollments from multiple course sections into a single Moodle shell — reducing the need to duplicate resources, activities, etc. in multiple sections. 

📅 Academic Technology Center (ATC) Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

  • In-Person: 9am-4pm
  • Phone (voicemail only): 541-463-3377 (8am-5pm)
  • Email: atc@lanecc.edu (8am-5pm)
  • Join Live Online Help (via Zoom): ATC Virtual Support (10am-2pm)
    • Or join Virtual Support by Phone:
      Dial: +1 346-248-7799
      Enter Meeting ID: 934 628 325

If you are no longer teaching at LaneCC and wish to be removed from this News & Announcements forum, email a removal request to moodleadmin@lanecc.edu