Issue Resolved: Announcement Email Notifications Repaired

Issue Resolved: Announcement Email Notifications Repaired

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0

Hello Instructors,

As of 3:30pm, all posts to news & annoucmenet forums are once again being delivered via email to students. 

At approximately noon today (Tuesday, March 19th), the Academic Technology Center (ATC) was made aware of an issue related to students not receiving copies of messages their instructor had posted. We quickly followed up with our Moodle host and were able to isolate the issue to a unset permissions change within the student role. This was confirmed by several instructor reports who had received copies of their own posts but their students did not. 

Q: I received copies of my Announcements forum post. Does that mean my course was unaffected?
A: No — Unfortunately since the issue was role based (student vs instructor), instructors receiving a copy of their own post is not a good indicator that the same message was delivered to students.

Q: How long was the email notification function broken? How do I know if I need to re-send messages?
A: The exact date and time are currently not known. However, we do know that several instructors have confirmed that their students received messages posted before Thursday, March 14th.

Q: With the issue resolved, will posts automatically be re-sent?
A: No — if you made a post and it didn't get emailed to students, you'll manually need to either re-post or re-send it by other means.

At this time, we do not know why the setting suddenly changed and will continue to investigate with our Moodle host.

My thanks goes out to those instructors who reached out to the ATC and provided details ASAP. Doing so allowed us to work fast to find a resolution. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please reach out to me and or the ATC for assistance.

LMS Administrator

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