Response to magazine cover
The man in the front of the magazine seems to be running from all the cops behind him. There’s a riot going on and the man seems to be running from them. How he marked off 1968 and replaced it with 2015 shows that we are back to what once happened in 1968 is also happening today.
5 replies
Post by Catherine Simmons
Re: Response to magazine coverI agree, its a scary thing to think about, that with all the progress we have made, we still have so many terrible beleifs and practices.Post by Grace Parker
Re: Response to magazine coverSometimes we should revert to our old ways so we can reflect and fix. I think in this case, we should reflect in a different way and not go back to our old ways of racism and cruelty.Post by Emma Christians
To graces commentAt first i was confused but I understand what you mean, and i think you're right. It's like that a lot with many things right now, people talking about 'making America great again' (you know who) but America was never a great place.Post by Lilly Barrett
Re: Response to magazine coverI totally agree with you on how they marked off 1968 and put 2015 its like they are repeating everything they did than with what is happening now. Also with the black men that is running shows that they can never get away from the past.