Moodle Basics for Students
Section | Name | Description |
Welcome to the Moodle Student Orientation! |
Learn about this course and how to complete it. The "About this Course" book includes critical information in relation to this course and key resources to use as you navigate through it. Return to this section anytime you have questions about the course expectations, structure, goals, or objectives. |
Navigating in Moodle | As a student, you can download and use the Moodle app. |
Personalizing Your Moodle Experience | Learn how to view the dashboard and find important information. |
Learn how to update your profile. |
Learn how to control forum preferences, which impact how many emails you will receive! |
Monitoring Your Academic Progress in Moodle | Learn how to view your grades in Moodle. |
Summary | Download this resource to take with you. |
The Blackboard Help site is your one-stop-shop for all documentation and self-help resources for Moodle. Here you have access to a world of how-to guides, video tutorials, product manuals, release notes, and FAQs. |
Review FAQ's about Moodle. |