Archiving 2012/2013 Moodle Courses July

Archiving 2012/2013 Moodle Courses July

by Deleted user -
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In order to maintain server performance we will be archiving off Academic Year 2012/2013 courses from (Moodle) during the week of July 8th.  All courses used for Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Winter 2013, and Spring 2013 will be accessible at the week of July 15th.

Since is a separate server than you will need to complete backups and restores in order to migrate your course content from any of these previous terms into a development shell or current course on

Please follow these directions on how to backup and restore your 2012/2013 courses.

Please remember Archived courses are not to be used for development or student use.  If you need to continue developing a course and/or need to allow a student extended time to complete a course we will need to restore this course to  Please request that the ATC complete this process for you.

If you have any questions please contact us in the ATC (Â