Academic Test Support User added to all Spring Moodle Courses

Academic Test Support User added to all Spring Moodle Courses

by Deleted user -
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Per the request by management the Academic Testing Coordinator user has been added to all Spring term Moodle courses in the “Academic Technology Testing Support Role”.  The user is listed in each course within the “Other Users” section (Administration > Course Administration > Users > Other Users).

 The Academic Technology Test Support role has the following permissions in each course (links to give greater definitions on each permission):

-       Edit all quiz settings.

-       Edit all quiz user overrides.

-       Preview quizzes.

-       View quiz information.

-       View course resources.

-       Manage any calendar entries.

-       View full names of users.

The user and role has been added to Moodle courses to help support instructors and students who use the Academic Testing Center.  This role will be added to every course each term unless the instructor requests for their courses to be omitted from this procedure.  

If you would like this user removed from your Spring 15 course please contact the ATC (
