Moodle: Recovery Complete & Service Restored

Moodle: Recovery Complete & Service Restored

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


While I've not had the opportunity to verify each individual course, our hosting providers data recovery process is complete and as of 8am (7/6/18) Moodle is up and running smoothly.

I am still working to address a couple of courses with broken user profile images and there may be some small residual effects in certain courses that were active when the data failure happened. If you believe you have a course that is not fully recovered and or are experiencing issues, please send an email to and include as much information about the issue as you can.

To those of you who sent in encouraging emails and or feedback; thank you. Both were very helpful smile
Enjoy the weekend and please extend my gratitude to your students for their patience during the interruption.

Josh Manders - LMS Admin