Moodle: Unexpected 504 Browser Connection Errors *Repaired*

Moodle: Unexpected 504 Browser Connection Errors *Repaired*

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0

LCC Instructors,

At 8am today (09/10/19) Lane Community College Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle users experienced an unexpected service outage that lasted about 3 hours. Students and or instructors who were logged in experienced seemingly random 'network connection timeouts' or 'error 504' web browser errors. Our LMS host was able to quickly repair the network connection and all services have been restored

If there are any questions as to if the outage impacted a particular user, please follow up with me via email or stop by the ATC. Details about the interruption will be provided to me by the host within the next 48 hours.

Josh Manders
-LMS Admin