Sp21 Courses Ready +System Downtime Thursday

Sp21 Courses Ready +System Downtime Thursday

by Josh Manders -
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Hooray — You've made it through the darkest part of winter! Sunnier days are ahead with each feeling a little more like spring. Spring 2021 courses are now available to Instructors in Moodle. 

Click the "Hidden Courses" link inside your Moodle dashboard or search for your class using the CRN#. Student enrollments will be added one week prior to the beginning of the term (March 22nd).

⚠️ Service Interruption

Our Moodle hosting provider will be applying a software upgrade (3.9 MP1) on Thursday, February 11th between 12:30am-2:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST). During that time, classes.lanecc.edu will be unreachable and/or slow to respond.

The update from our Moodle host will provide several minor bug fixes along with the opportunity to use on a new activity type called "Choose Your Group" (Group Choice - read below for further details). 

💥 New Activity Type: Choose Your Group

Moodle groups are already used by many instructors to assign projects, forum areas, assignments, and provide a group specific course resources. Group choice, based on the standard Choice activity, allows students to enroll themselves in a Moodle group within a course. The teacher can choose the groups offered and the maximum number of students allowed in each group. Here's a quick 3-minute video to see how to use this activity type within your course.

Planning on Using a Metacourse This Spring? 
Now Would be a Great Time to Submit Your Request to the ATC.

A metacourse allows you to combine multiple sections into one Moodle shell. If you teach multiple courses of the same section a meta course allows you to streamline your work and reduce the need to post duplicate resources, activities, etc. into multiple shells. If you would like a metacourse or have questions on this process please contact the ATC (atc@lanecc.edu).

Hint: It's now possible to create auto-updating groups from metacourses (child courses). Depending on how the metacourse is structured, enrollments coming from child courses can automatically be assigned a group. Instructors may find groups helpful when sorting students and copying over final grades into Banner.

🔖  Can’t Locate Your Spring Course in Moodle? 

We do our best to keep Moodle synced with instructor course assignments in Banner but sometimes they match. If you don’t see your section listed, check the class schedule before sending an email to the ATC to ensure your department administrator has officially added you as an instructor of record.

Academic Technology Center’s (ATC) Support Hours
The ATC is the spot to get answers regarding course delivery, software issues, or other technical questions that may arise about your course. 

  • Zoom: ATC Virtual Support (live virtual help) | M-F 10a-2p
  • E-mail: atc@lanecc.edu | M-F 8a-5p + limited weekend support
  • Our help articles are available to you 24/7.

Why are you receiving these messages?
As part of Academic Technology’s mission to provide quality service and support to LaneCC instructors, you are subscribed to our Moodle news announcements forum where we post important information on system disruptions, maintenance, new features, tips and training opportunities.
If you are no longer teaching at LaneCC and wish to be removed, email a removal request to moodleadmin@lanecc.edu.