F20 Courses Hidden & F19 Archived

F20 Courses Hidden & F19 Archived

by Josh Manders -
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A few helpful reminders especially for those of you who may be new to our Learning Management System (LMS - aka. Moodle) procedures.

    1. The previous term's courses (Fall 2020) have been hidden from students. By default, students are unable to access completed courses. If you have students who require access (i.e. coursework to address incomplete grade for class), see our help article on extending course access for students.

    2. Fall 2019 courses are in the process of being removed. Archived copies can quickly be restored upon request. 5 terms worth of classes are kept available in Moodle so that instructors can refer back to the class or import materials into the next term. Need to access an archived class? No problem! Send an email request to atc@lanecc.edu. Please include the course CRN#, term, and if student work should be included.

    3. Make modifications inside development shells not previous courses. Want to work on Spring 2021 course materials but don’t want to wait till February? Don’t delay! email the ATC (atc@lanecc.edu) and request a Development shell (or 5!). Instructors teaching regular sections each term tend to make minor alternations as they import from term-to-term. For sections that aren't taught each term, it is best practice to have a development copy (template course) that is kept up to date with changes so that you always have a copy of the most updated version to make alterations to. Development courses do not follow the 5 term limit are are only removed after ~5-years of inactivity.

🔖  Tip#1: Need to verify student interactions? 3 ways to use access reporting details (simple to advanced) that may help you.

    1. Use the participants list to quickly see when the last time students have interacted with your course. Sort participants via "Last Access to course" by clicking on the column header row or use the new participant's filter "inactive for..." option.
    2. Click on a course participants name to bring up the users's profile page. From here, you can get an outline report or complete report of what a student has completed thus far. If you need more granular information (i.e. exactly when did the user look at a page, start a quiz, last page viewed), you can find that in the logs file. 
      Screenshot of sample user profile page
    3. Use course reports to drill down to specific activities, users, activity completion, and or dates. Watch a 3-minute overview on the multiple types of reports available. Our Moodle host also supplies us with a custom reporting tool called "Open Reports (Experimental) "  (recently rebuilt to run without requiring Adobe Flash) that features basic correlation analysis.

🔖  Tip#2: Are collapsed topics automatically expanding to the current week? Do you wish they would/wouldn't?

The new collapsed topics format preferences are located under edit > course settings > course format. One of the options is to automatically expand the current week's content. This is REALLY helpful for those of you who run an 11-week format but terrible for those who use topics or have pre-week/post week content that is beyond the course start/end dates. Make sure the expansion behavior matches the course structure you're using (see image below). If you are using topics, you'll be given the ability to individually "Highlight" a section or topic (highlight option located under the edit menu for each topic). 

Screenshot of Course Structure options

❄️  Winter Term Tutoring for Students

Tutors and Early Outreach Specialist are available in the Lane Support Hub — a support course available in Moodle's dashboard for all winter term students (self enrollment is available to everyone). Students can go there to drop into our Support Hub Zoom Room, find links and handouts, and chat with and email tutors.

Course Design Intro (CDI) 5-week Cohort
 (Self-paced, asynchronous, paid 20 hours at CD rate)

Join your faculty colleagues and an instructional designer in a five-week online course covering current research and best practices around online teaching. This course is self-paced, asynchronous and paid at 20hrs at CD rate. There will be a non-mandatory open lab offered each week via Zoom. At the end of this training, you'll have a plan built for your next online course, and perhaps a new understanding of what students experience in the online realm.

Please note: If you were previously enrolled in a different session but want to return at a more leisurely pace, drop us a line! Any faculty member teaching online, remote, or hybrid this year is eligible to participate.

Session: Winter term, Weeks 4-8, Jan. 25-Feb 27, Instructor: Meredith Keene
Session registration: Register here for Winter Term, begins on Jan. 25

Session: Spring term, (Dates TBD) Instructor: Kevin Steeves

Questions? Contact IDservices@lanecc.edu.

Academic Technology Center’s (ATC) Support Hours
The ATC is the spot to get answers regarding course delivery, software issues, or other technical questions that may arise about your course. 

  • Zoom: ATC Virtual Support (live virtual help) | M-F 10a-2p
  • E-mail: atc@lanecc.edu | M-F 8a-5p + limited weekend support
  • Our help articles are available to you 24/7.

Why are you receiving these messages?
As part of Academic Technology’s mission to provide quality service and support to LaneCC instructors, you are subscribed to our Moodle news announcements forum where we post important information on system disruptions, maintenance, new features, tips and training opportunities.
If you are no longer teaching at LaneCC and wish to be removed, email a removal request to moodleadmin@lanecc.edu.