Moodle: Unexpected Downtime *Restored* & Reminder of Future Outage

Moodle: Unexpected Downtime *Restored* & Reminder of Future Outage

by Skye Nguyen -
Number of replies: 0

Good morning Moodlers,

Last night, October 7th at about 8:59pm, our host did have an emergency maintenance window affecting our Moodle users. Moodle was down for approximately 2 hours. Without this maintenance it could have affected our site negatively as stated by our host. We do not expect any further outages without more notification in advance. Keep this in mind if any students experienced any issues submitting work or tests during this window.

While we are on the subject, there is a planned maintenance for October 21st, 2021 with a time window of 12:30 AM – 2:30 AM. Please keep this in mind and if needed adjust any assignment submission window or notify your students who may need to submit work prior to this outage.

As always if there are any questions as to if the outage impacted a particular user, please follow up with me via email or reach out to the ATC.

Skye Nguyen 

-LMS Admin