As of this morning, Fall 2021 student enrollments are now syncing with your Moodle courses. By default, courses are not set to automatically "show" to enrolled students and they will not have access to your course until you update the course visibility setting.
➡️ Here is a guide that will walk you through how to make your course visible to students.
Hint: To help you close out a previous course or to open an upcoming course you can follow our recommended Moodle course Start of Term and End of Term procedures.
I know this term feels a bit wonky as classes switched modalities from in-person to remote. We've tried to stay ahead of any reassignment issues but please let me know if something appears amiss in your Moodle course assignments. The academic support team has appreciated the positive comments and messages of support as we dive into another term of online focused content delivery.Â
Take breaks, laugh, and don't forget to show students that you too are human.
Good luck!Â
- Josh Manders
LMS Admin
đź”–Â Reminder #1
The Impersonate/Login-as feature was permanently disabled for all users who are not dedicated LMS support personnel. The switch roles function will remain and allows instructors to preview courses as a student. Unfortunately switching roles is not a replacement for some functions. The ATC continues to investigate solutions for instructors needing to quality check their courses and troubleshoot via fictitious student accounts.
đź”–Â Reminder #2
General Forum Defaults Have Changed From Opt-out to Opt-in Email Notifications. With the exception of News and Announcement forums, users making posts in Moodle forums will no longer receive a copy of their post or reply via email without specifically choosing to opt-in/subscribe. This includes instructor or student replies to posts, student replies in Q&A forums, open forums, and/or any general discussion forum.Â
To be clear: All course participants will continue to be "force subscribed" and receive individually emailed copies of posts/messages made by instructors in a News and Announcements forum, Unread Moodle Message, or via the QuickMail block.Â
If you (or a student) wishes to receive individual forum messages via email, you can still do so but it requires taking action (opt-in) by either ticking the “Discussion subscription” checkbox at the time a post is made or by using the subscribe options available when viewing the forum.Â
The option to subscribe is available at the time of creating the forum post. This option may only appear for general Moodle forums if the student is using the “Advanced” reply option.
Subscription can also be set on a per-thread basis for general forums.
⚠️ Service Interruption
Our Moodle hosting provider will be applying a software upgrade (v3.10 MP2) on Thursday, October 21st between 12:30am-2:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST). During that time, will be unreachable and/or slow to respond. Release notes are not currently available but no major changes or new features are expected.
Worried you're going to forget to mention this to students? It's OK! —These service notifications are display directly inside your Moodle course calendar under "site events".
Did You Forget to Send in Your Metacourse Request(s)?
There's still time! A Metacourse allows you to combine enrollments from multiple course sections into a single Moodle shell — reducing the need to duplicate resources, activities, etc. in multiple sections. If you would like a Metacourse, use our meta course request form or contact the ATC ( for assistance.
🤷 Can’t Seem to Locate Your Course in Moodle?Â
We do our best to keep Moodle synced with instructor course assignments in Banner but occasionally, there may be a delay. If you don’t see your section listed, check the class schedule to ensure your department administrator has officially added you as the instructor of record. If they have, send a quick email to the ATC and we’ll ensure a course is created ASAP.
📅 ATC’s Fall Support Hours
ATC Hours | Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
Voicemail: 541-463-3377 | Email:
ATC Virtual Drop in Hours, Join Live Online Help (via Zoom)
Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm: ATC Virtual Support 10am-2pm
Or join Virtual Support by Phone: Dial: +1 346 248 7799 | Enter Meeting ID: 934 628 325
If you are no longer teaching at LaneCC and wish to be removed from this News & Announcements forum, email a removal request to