⚠️ Reminder: Scheduled Moodle Outage begins Thursday, July 13th

⚠️ Reminder: Scheduled Moodle Outage begins Thursday, July 13th

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


A reminder that our Moodle hosting provider (OpenLMS) will be applying a software upgrade beginning Thursday, July 13th. 

Once the initial upgrade is complete, additional time is required to prepare the site for users to login. We are optimistic that logins for all users will be restored by Friday evening (July 14th) — However, ALL USERS should plan to potentially be without system access from 12:30am Thursday, July 13th though 11:59pm Saturday, July 15th.

An announcement was emailed to all Summer term students on July 5th in conjunction with a notice posted on the front page of Moodle. A final reminder email reminder was sent 6am, July 11th.

Don’t hesitate to contact the ATC with questions on how to make your materials available outside of Moodle (Google Drive works great for this!).

📅  Academic Technology Center (ATC) Support Hours Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
 Beginning June 30th, the ATC will be closed on Friday's as part of the summer college closure schedule. The ATC will be open to in-person assistance M-Th. We are located in Center 208, down the hall from J&J Coffee Shop.

  • Email: atc@lanecc.edu | Phone: 541-463-3377
  • Join Live Online Help (via Zoom): ATC Virtual Support (10am-2pm)
    Or join Virtual Support by Phone:
    Dial: +1 346-248-7799 and Enter Meeting ID: 934 628 325

If you are no longer teaching at LaneCC and wish to be removed from this News & Announcements forum, email a removal request to moodleadmin@lanecc.edu

(Edited by Moodle Admin - original submission Monday, July 10, 2023, 1:22 PM)