...And We're back! Moodle v4.1 complete

...And We're back! Moodle v4.1 complete

by Josh Manders -
Number of replies: 0


The upgrade to Moodle v4.1 has been successfully applied to all courses (previous and current) and is now open for you to login and use with your students. 🎉

Notes & Tips:
  • All class content has been retained — users can simply pick up where they left off. That includes student submissions, comments, grading, activities, uploads, ect... 
  • Many features have moved but function the same. It's a bit like having guests over and they put the dishes away in unexpected cabinets. If you're having trouble finding a setting, use this quick "Where did ___ go?" guide.
  • Expect to see some automated popup tours when you initially login to the system, navigate to your course, and or utilize an updated function. The orientation tours are also shown to students. If you cancel the tour and wish to watch it later, look for the "Reset user tour on this page" link found in the floating "?" question mark button/icon on the bottom right. The ? button is also an easy way to access contextual help from Moodle's documentation.
  • HVP (Interactive Content) to H5P Conversion for active Su23 courses is complete. Previous terms & DEV courses will be converted over the next week. Similar to a quiz bank, converted h5p activities can now be edited/created/managed in a H5P content bank. All student attempts and grades have been retained.
  • 🐞!! Indenting content can be problematic: Moodle HQ is keenly aware of a display and functional issue that stems from indenting/outdenting activities within a course. This function is used in many courses to provide a course hierarchy. Both short-term and long-term solutions are actively being discussed and implemented. If you wish to dive into the details, there's a ~15minute overview video posted 5 months ago that explains some of the struggles and collective user input given to the Moodle developer team.
  • Expect minor display refinements and user dashboard improvements over the next several weeks as we collect real-world feedback from users. None of these refinements will impact service availability.

Last but not least...
Please try to have patience with yourselves and with the new platform. Despite the major efforts that have gone into ensuring Moodle v4.1 is ready for primetime, there will inevitably be bugs and unexpected changes to unearth.

If you believe you've found a site error or bug, please send screenshots (important!) and feedback directly to the folks staffing the Academic Technology Center (atc@lanecc.edu). I have confidence that with the assistance of the ATC, our Moodle Host (OpenLMS), and a wealth of knowledge from Moodle and their community members — we'll get it all sorted.

Best of Luck 🍀

LMS Admin

📅  Academic Technology Center (ATC) Support Hours Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
 The ATC is closed on Friday's as part of the summer college closure schedule. The ATC will be open to in-person assistance M-Th. We are located in Center 208, down the hall from J&J Coffee Shop.

  • Email: atc@lanecc.edu | Phone: 541-463-3377
  • Join Live Online Help (via Zoom): ATC Virtual Support (10am-2pm)
    Or join Virtual Support by Phone:
    Dial: +1 346-248-7799 and Enter Meeting ID: 934 628 325

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